Azeem U. Khan
AukSun Consultants was founded by Azeem U. Khan in 2001 and later
incorporated on 24th Nov 2005. Azeem Khan is an L.L.M and MBA. He is
entrepreneurial having over 20 years' experience of various businesses,
law firms and multinationals.
Ms. Sadiya Khan is an MBA with a wealth of experience in Clientele Management.
She is our LMS Manager. Over the years she has travelled extensively in North
America, Europe and Asia.
Sadiya undertakes Learning System Management and training policies.
Dr. Arooj Aftab
Arooj is an M.B.,B.S and an MBA. She offers her expertise as our Business
Development Director at our UK office. Her expertise are business
improveent, Clientele facilitation policy and networking.
Jameela Khan
Jameela  is a Chartered Accountant and our Corporate Secretary.
She has worked extensively in Service Industry and manages our
financial aspects. Jameela is based in our UK office.
Dr. Qamarul Hasan
Qamar facilitates our Course Development department. He is an MBTI &
MMTIC Certified, Applied Psychologist and Personality Type Expert.
Qamar has an in-depth experience in Learning Management Systems.
Being very methodical, Qamar offers pertinent business development
support from our Karachi office.
Date Modified: 2015-06-19
Contact Us
Experienced in various disciplines (Business management, consulting, law, immigration, education, and trade), we offer wider
prospective to our e-learners. Our dynamic team assists you in your developmental needs, personality profiling, eduction
material, education and more.
making it easier for you...
AukSun Learning Management System
AukSunLMS - eSchool
Nazia Jameel
Nazia Jameel is an MA Economics and BCs with a wealth of experience in CRM, LMS,
Mass Marketing, and making video courses. She is our LMS Executive.
Jawaid Kazmi
Jawaid heads the eSchool for Teachers in AukSunLMS.
Jawaid earned his Engineering Degree in Avionics
He has more than a decade of Teaching experience
Jawaid offers training and business support to Teachers and other  business
streams with a focus on process planning.
Careers at AukSunLMS
Our Team
Dure Shehwar
Dure heads our business streams for Children & HR. She is an MBA.
Dure has a passion for life-long  learning.
Dure offers pertinent training for our Self Employed Teams.
Abdul Sajid
Sajid heads the our eSchool for Corporate Staff in AukSunLMS.
He earned his Bachelours Degree in Commerce and has years of Research
Sajid offers macro perspective and market research to our business.
Bejan Garshasbi
Bejan heads our Office Administration. Our appointments with clients,
approach and scheduling with building Client profiles is his